Here is a peek of what is on LouCinda's easel in 2024. She has several paintings planned for the year which will include some more pieces for her Graffiti Animal Series.
What's New?

LouCinda is adding another piece to her Graffiti Animal Series. This pastel is of her Belgian Shepard/Lab dog.


LouCinda finished her newest addition to her Graffiti Animal Series. "Zeb" joins eight other pieces in this series. "I was drawn to the Zebra because of the different ways I could introduce color and shapes to my painting."

Having Fun With Purple
"The Troop"


LouCinda started her next ostrich painting during the 2023 Placer Artists Tour. This troop of ostriches was created primarily using various shades of purple pastels. This piece was completed in 2024 and will be on display at the 2024 Placer Artists Tour.

LouCinda has completed "The Troop."

"A Little Sass"
LouCinda completed her next painting in her "Birds of a Feather" Series just in time to premier in her solo show at Tango Frozen Yogurt in downtown Auburn, CA. in Nov./Dec. 2023.


"The Waddle"
This group of juvenile penguins joined LouCinda's "Birds Of A Feather" Series in 2023. A group of penguins is called a "waddle" which is what she named this painting.
The penguins in this series not only adopted a more realistic style, LouCinda also used a cold press paper which helped in created the fuzzy down of the young penguins.

"Stay Back"

"Stay Back" is part of LouCinda's "Birds of a Feather" Series. She initially planned to create this painting in her Graffiti Animal Series style but as the ostrich appeared it became clear, a new style was emerging as LouCinda created his feathers. Thus, she decided he should be presented on a shite background.
"Watchful Eye"

Another piece in LouCinda's "Birds of a Feather Series is "Watchful Eye." This piece captures young penguins under the supervision of an adult penguin.

"Pink Parade"
LouCinda shifted to a more realistic style to create "Pink Parade." The pink flamingoes were inspired by a nature program that featured flamingoes parading to show off their pink plumage to find a mate. She loved the way they proudly raised their heads on their long necks putting themselves to their best advantage. It took several weeks for LouCinda to sketch the flamingoes in their various poses and the application of the pastel took over a month. "Pink Parade" is one of LouCinda's larger pastels and is part of her "Birds of a Feather" Series created in 2023..

"Bully Boy"

LouCinda added another pastel piece to her Graffiti Animal Series. The sketch for "Bully Boy" was drawn in 2021 but it took a couple years for him to make it to the easel for completion. Welcomed "Bully Boy!"

"Wishful Thinking"
LouCinda started "Wishful Thinking" in 2022 as part of her Meow Series. It got bumped from priority as the year ended. The amount of detail as well as the fluidity of the water in the fish tank tested LouCinda's abilities in completing this pastel.

"Disney Bros"

After taking a hiatus from the easel, LouCinda started 2023 with a commissioned piece she titled "Disney Bros." This pastel piece is a semi - abstract painting created in LouCinda's graffiti style.

"Disney Bros"
The completed piece of the two boys enjoying Disney World.